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About Me

I value good health, both physical and emotional, family, friends, integrity, independence and opportunity. I have a love of learning and I am a complete sucker for anything billed as a “once in a lifetime”. I believe relationships, romantic or otherwise, should be empowering and rewarding and that every set-back is an opportunity to move forward. 


I, like everyone else, have experienced my share of challenges and difficulties and finally worked out that with a little support at pivotal moments these could be overcome more easily. My intention is to provide compassionate and pragmatic coaching to enable others to face and overcome their own challenges and difficulties. To provide a safe space where no thoughts are unmentionable, no words are left unspoken and no dreams are too big.


As humans we can be fearful, vulnerable and insecure but, equally, we can be fearless, resilient and self-assured. Mostly we are a melting-pot of all of those things and many more making us beautiful and unique. Each dawn brings with it endless possibilities and choices; what we do with those influences our experience and outcomes and affords us the opportunity to change and grow.


Change surfaces a myriad of emotions, requires commitment, effort and an understanding that it affects not only you but everything around you. Change does not always come from a place of dissatisfaction, often it comes from exploring greater satisfaction. Other times, such as the break-down of a relationship, it is forced upon us. Whatever your circumstances, if you are ready to embrace change, get in touch and we can discuss how I can help you to get to where you want to be.


I have a Certificate in Coaching from Cambridge University, I am an accredited Break-Up & Divorce practitioner and I engage in Continuous Professional Development, I have regular Coaching Supervision and I am a member of the Association for Coaching and The International Divorce Coach Centre of Excellence. I have done and continue to do all these things, not only to better serve my clients, but because I believe that personal growth is something that we should view as a life-long journey.

Isabel Bustelo-Boullon

Qualifications and Memberships

Certificate in Coaching - Cambridge University

Accredited Break-Up and Divorce Practitioner

Association for Coaching member

The International Divorce Coach Centre of Excellence member

Listening to Music

Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up I am reborn.

Mahatma Gandhi

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