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Personal Development Coaching 

To help you decide if coaching is for you answer the following questions:


  • Do you wake up feeling that life is fine but with little enthusiasm for the day ahead?

  • Do you feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities and commitments?

  • Do you like your job but feel unfulfilled or, perhaps, hate your job but have no idea what you want to replace it with?

  • Do you find yourself working really hard to sustain your personal/professional relationships and feel dissatisfied with the results?

  • Do you have a wealth of ideas that are never voiced or acted upon?

  • Do you find that the reality of your current life bears no resemblance to the life you envisaged living?


Now imagine a life where you:


  • Wake up feeling energised and enthused by the prospect of the day ahead.

  • Feel in control of your responsibilities and commitments.

  • Engage in work that is financially rewarding, increases your feelings of self-worth and stimulates your desire for growth.

  • Have empowering and rewarding relationships.

  • Dedicate time and creativity to developing your ideas.

  • Live a life that you love, reflects who you are and meets your expectations.


The life you imagine is totally within your reach!  If you would like to explore this option, are committed to devoting time and energy to pursuing your goals and prepared to fully embrace change, contact me.  I offer a free 30 minute exploratory session to assess whether we are a good fit, how I can best serve your needs and where you can pose any questions you may have.

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