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Start Slow To Go Fast

Updated: Feb 23, 2022

For most of us life is so busy that we find ourselves waking up and hitting the ground running.


We have quick showers, rush skin routines, skip breakfast and spend too long searching for homework, gym kits and matching socks before hitting the first goal of the day – getting ourselves and our charges out of the door on time. This sets the tone for the rest of the day; we have a lot to do and the only way to get through it is to keep in constant motion.

A good, and potentially more productive alternative, is to slow things down. Before throwing the covers back spend a few minutes easing into wakefulness and setting an intention for the day. This does not involve thinking about the to-list but rather focusing on how you want the day to unfold or what energy you want to give/receive or how you will deal with a meeting or accomplish a specific task. Then, gift yourself 20 minutes to enjoy your favourite drink, meditate, exercise, listen to a podcast, watch the wildlife in the garden, cuddle with the dog or simply do nothing. What would make your day better?

Giving ourselves that little bit of time at the beginning of the day puts us in a better headspace, leaves us feeling calm and sets us up for a less stressful and more productive day.

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